Horni Bobrova
St Peter and St Paul Church
1714 - 1722, reconstruction of the medieval church; investor Vaclav Vejmluva, Abbot of the Cistercian Monastery in Zdar nad Sazavou
The original medieval parish church in Horni Bobrova was not sufficient for the large parish office needs at the beginning of the 18th century. That is why Santini designed a new project in the year 1714 and the church was consecrated in connection with the implementation of the St John of Nepomuk Pilgrimage Church on Zelena Hora Hill on 5 October 1722. Santini kept only the main nave from the originally late-Roman church, changing it into a chancel with an altar though, thus completely inversing the orientation of the church. Namely, he attached a new nave's space on the East side. The entrance five-side-portal is designed in impressive Baroque style and is often reminded in literature in connection with Italian patterns, especially the Roman façade by the architect Borromini. A similar profile of the church in Rychnov nad Kneznou shows how important was this curve-modelled façade for Santini in that time.